7 Release notes for version its-0.51
Version its-0.51:
- Empty vehicle management.
- Improved vehicle and boarding behavior for high capacity stops.
- Concept of user-profiles, see Sec. 4.1.
- Simple, real-time 3D OpenGL viewer (Requires PyOpenGL module
installed), see Sec. 4.1.
- More export tools (Station statistics, trip-time tables etc.)
- Various bug fixes.
Version 0.3:
- Vehicle follower control algorithm has been enhanced by brake
actuation time (which also allows to add extra inter-vehicle space for jerk
- Improved boarding behavior for high capacity stops: if there is
high demand, the stop is switching to a so called ``synchronous mode'',
where the stop is divided in a unloading and loading area.
- All user types have now a boarding and an exit time as parameters.
- The new ``generic user'' can be place automatically according to a
predefined origin-to-destination demand matrix.
- The new ``generic user'' has a trip start time. During the
creation phase boarding and an exit time as well as start time can be
randomized by giving time intervals as parameters.
- Simulator can run in command line mode, without graphical
support. There are various command line options to control the most
important simulation parameters and output/report file names.
- Scripting.
- Postscript snapshot tool: This tool can be ``switched on'' to
make regular snapshots of the canvas. The snapshots will be saved as
files in Postscript(R) format.
Joerg Schweizer