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How to use MAIT ?


How to make a trip with MAIT

Before the first trip , the customer needs to get an account and a travel card at one of the MAIT customer services.

A spontaneous passenger transport happens in three steps:

Step 1: Specification of destination:
Contacting of customer service provider, by phone, Internet or a terminal at the nearest MAIT stop. Specification of destination.

Step 2: Entering vehicle:
Door-opening of available vehicle by inserting the travel card into its card-reader. Entering with accompanying persons and baggage.

Inside the cabin, a display shows the destination of the current trip. The vehicle door closes after a moment and the voyage begins. The user can change destination or interrupt the trip at any time via a terminal inside the cabin.

Step 3: Leaving the vehicle:
Door opens automatically, Vacation of vehicle.

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The word spontaneous is used here to describe a trip that begins immediately, as opposed to a booked trip, where destination stations and other options need to be specified in advance. Spontaneous freight transport happens in a similar fashion than spontaneous person transport. However, freight transport can be completely atomized, including loading and unloading of cabins.

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