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Design goals

Transferrer functions:

  • transfer of cabin from one carrier type to another.
    • maximum cabin weight: $\approx$700kg.
    • cabin dimensions:
      $\approx$ 1.6m x 1.6m x 3.2m.
  • disconnection and reconnection of the following links between cabin and carrier:
    • mechanical attachment.
    • power supply lines.
    • ventilation.
    • diverse analog and low power signaling.
    • diverse signaling by mechanical means.
    • digital communication lines.

Design objectives:
  • transferrer should add few extra weight to cabin and carrier.
  • low additional cost compared with a monolithic system.
  • high reliability in all weather conditions.
  • high safety for all loads and speeds.
  • comfort criteria must be guaranteed.

The cabin transferrer is the most critical device of the MAIT system since it determines the performance of the modular approach as well as the most important interface between carrier and cabin. The following material represents the first steps in a systematic design approach with the aim to find a close to optimum solution for this transferrer problem.

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