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Target audience and document organization

This document is targeted primarily to MAIT system developers which includes everybody who would like to contribute with their knowledge to the development of MAIT .

As introductory literature we recommend the MAIT introductory or concept paper [2,1]. Chapter 1, is of general interest and written with few technical terminology. The general specifications serve as guideline for all following chapters, which are of technical nature.

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The system architecture is split in two chapters: the global structure of MAIT is described in Chapter [*] and the operating principles and global processes are explained in Chapter [*].

The remaining chapters of this documents describe the functions of modules, sub-systems and their interfaces in more detail, refining and quantifying the structures of Chapter [*] and processes of Chapter [*]. An overview is shown in Fig. 1. Note that the MAIT development covers a large spectrum of disciplines and not all sections may be interesting for everybody.

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Last updated:2004-07-22
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