At present, the software is not memory and speed optimized. Tip if you are short of memory: After you have completed the network design, delete your background maps with Edit/ Map/ Delete and safe this version under a different name. Then run the simulation. The results will be the same, but your computer does not have to deal with the memory of the maps. You can also much quicker zoom in and out without maps.
In any case, for larger networks it is recommended to run the simulation in command-line mode or as a script, without graphical support. This will reduce the used memory and make the simulations roughly 5 times faster, see Sec 4.3 and Sec 4.2.
Some ``minor'' problems have been discovered and will be improved in future versions:
Please keep always a copy of the unactivated track as backup. This will always work. From there it is quick to reconstruct the simulation by adding different numbers of vehicles and users.
The only solution is to extend the input lines or to lower the line speed on the input sections (and on previous section in order to guarantee that the vehicles enter the merge at the desired speed.). In general one would set the same line-velocity for both input sections of a merge element (first two sections on the Section page of the control-panel).
Workaround: just move the track elements apart with Edit/ Module/ Move and reconnect them. When still problems, try to change relative angle or position element or position of nodes. Or use flexible elements instead of curve elements or lines. If this still does not help it can be that you ask for a too small curve radius, which would also be a problem of the real system: Consider a different network-layout.
Workaround: move (Edit/ Module/ Move) and turn the track element slightly if possible. When still problems, consider using alternative track elements.