
1 Introduction

1.1 What is iTS MAIT?

The innovative Transport Simulator by MAIT international e.V. is an easy-to-use micro-simulator software, intended to simulate and evaluate a set of ``innovative transportation systems''. The software has been developed according to the MAIT system specifications, and software specifications, presented at the MAIT Meeting 2001, Loughborough, UK. its-0.51 also satisfies the specifications for the PRT simulation software articulated by the EUNITRANS group during the Automated People Mover conference APM'99, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Even though the ultimate intention for this software is the simulation of a complete MAIT system, its current use is focused on PRT or AGV systems.

Essentially, the software predicts performance and cost figures of a specified system. The input data will include the network topology and assumed demand-patterns, maximum accelerations, line-speed, boarding-times, component-costs, etc. Output data will include waiting times, journey times, running costs and capital costs.

The performance-relevant technologies implemented are

The software has been designed to obtain a holistic view of the simulated transportation system. For this reason it covers (or will cover) a variety of system aspects such as:

For currently implemented features see Sec 1.3.
Figure 1: Network design cycle.
\centering {\input{fig_net_design.pstex_t}}

1.2 Who should use iTS MAIT?

Because the simulator covers a large number of development and implementation issues, it is of interest to:

1.3 Currently implemented features

Joerg Schweizer 2007-07-17